Clark-Reliance Corporation continues to be the global leader in the level indication and control, sightflow indication, and filtration and separation industries.

The company’s well-known brands constitute the broadest line of level instrumentation for boilers and other equipment found in utilities, refineries, chemical processing and industries: Jerguson liquid level gages and valves, Jacoby-Tarbox sight flow indicators, Reliance® boiler level controls, Magne-Sonics level measurement and control products and Clark Steam Specialties. Additionally, Clark-Reliance manufacturers Anderson Separators, HYCOA™ transfer valves and duplex lube oil filtration systems, filters, National Filtration Systems engineered fuel gas filtration / separation systems.
Featured Products
Eye-Hye® SmartLevel™ Remote Water
Level Indication System

Special Features
Patented technology.
Self-diagnostic sensor technology.
Adapts to your communication systems.
Optimum quality steam for heat rate efficiency.
Designed for global applications
Operator exposure to hazardous areas is minimized…unnecessary “nuisance” repair trips are eliminated.
Longer probe and valve life… blowdowns are performed only when necessary, reducing wear.
Pinpoints the failure of any module or peripheral in the system to simplify repair.
High Pressure Threaded Bulls-Eye Sight Flow Indicator

Special features
Connections per ASME B1.20.1
Standard fasteners per ASTM A354 and ASTM A194 complying with most piping specifications.
Tempered borosilicate glass
Units and machined and assembled in an ISO-9001 fully automated facility.
Wetted components meet NACE MR-01-75 / ISO15156-1 requirements.
Stainless steel engraved identification faceplate.